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most Recent testimonials

Kristina is a beacon of light in the realm of personal growth and healing. Her insights and caring approach have been a transformative experience for me. She goes deep to the core. Every interaction with her radiates warmth and understanding, making even the most challenging moments feel manageable and meaningful. Kristina's ability to inspire is remarkable; she has been a pivotal influence in my journey towards embracing my dreams, speaking my truth, and confidently taking up space in the world.


One aspect of Kristina's offerings that stands out to me is her Gene Key membership. This unique and enlightening program does more than just educate about gene keys and their relevance to us as individuals and as a collective. It fosters profound connections among participants, creating a special bond that enhances our learning experience. 


Kristina creates loving, safe spaces for growth. Her meditations are not just practices but journeys of discovery, filled with compassion and deep understanding. She pours love and dedication into her work ,creating an environment where everyone feels valued and supported.


Her guidance is a gift to anyone seeking personal growth and a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. 

She she has blessed my life in so many ways.




What I really love about working with Kristina is the height of the discussion and the elevated energy, that makes you feel like life can be something completely different than expected. Kristina provides a sacred space where all emotions are welcome, where you are encouraged to go deeper than you ever dared before - and she will hold you through it all with humble understanding and love. Adding Gene Keys study to the sessions has given them extra dimensions and a new excitement to delve even deeper into myself. With Kristina, everything is possible!”




From Diana Elia, who have written from different aspects of themselves:

Kristina is a lovely soul and an incredible light worker. Her powerful intuition helped guide us from confusion into clarity in a deeply transformative and loving way.


Miss Kristina held space for us to let go of what was holding us back–our limiting thoughts and our worries about pleasing others over valuing ourself.  Her calm, gentle, loving demeanor brought me peace as I moved through a period of struggle.


Kristina is an absolute joy to work with!  Her approach is so giving and loving, and her magick helped us unlock deep truths about ourself.


Mentorship with Kristina is a masterclass in getting to know yourself.  Come open and prepared to go deep, because the journey is incredible!


Kristina reminded us that it's all about love. To put down the to-do list, the money worries, others’ expectations of us, and just focus on inner love.




So far, working with Kristina has been nothing short of amazing. She's helped me gain clarity on what's important to me. I'm so often stuck in my head that I am out of touch with my intuition. She has helped me to tune into what is coming from the heart rather than what's coming from my head to dissuade myself from what I really want. Several life decisions I was already on the brink of coming to an answer on, she's really helped me to push through with what is absolutely going to be the best for me (being able to communicate more openly and not being so closed off), my happiness/freedom (committing to buying an adventure van) and my business (deciding to go back to freelancing rather than having an agency so I have less stress and more me time). In each of those life-altering decisions, she helped guide me to the best decision for me by helping me stay true to my wants, goals, and needs rather than always thinking about everyone else first before myself. It has been a lovely journey thus far and I look forward to continuing to work with her in the future. 




I don’t know if I can properly convey in words just how powerful and transforming working with Kristina has been! We have been working together for over a year and a half in groups, workshops, and her 1:1 mentorship program. I also highly recommend her readings! To be guided by her and to have healed a lifetime & past lifetimes of trauma & ancestral trauma in such a short amount of time, speaks to her remarkable abilities to ignite & facilitate healing in others. To see that you are whole within yourself & possess everything you need to live a life beyond your wildest dreams. To breakthrough any and all limitations and stand in your power. To live from your heart instead of your mind. She does all of this so beautifully because she embodies it within herself. I am eternally grateful for the sanctuary she has provided me & guiding me to find my sanctuary within 💗




*First of all, when I did a session with Kristina for the first time, I didn't feel that she was someone whom I don't know. The way she handled the session made me feel that I am talking to a very close and good friend of mine. They way in which she made me comfortable and held space for me was so remarkable. The pleasantness, gentleness and sweetness of the session alone made me felt accepted and there was half the relief to start with. (I have done sessions with others with whom I felt disconnected and inferior. So this is an important point for me). 

*Secondly, she is so non-judgmental. I am not someone who says that a healer should always sugar coat things and support us in everything we do. They should definitely make us aware of our own shortcomings. But it should be done in a way where it is non-judgmental and pleasant. That is what I feel Kristina does. She is so loving that we won't even feel bad about that. 

*Thirdly, her readings are very futuristic.

When she did my first reading for me in 2020, I had no idea about the depth of the reading. At first, it did make sense to me, but i didn't realize that there is more to it. But the greatest part is that, the same reading done in 2020 is applicable to my life even now. The session is still being unfolded. I am still waiting for all the layers to be settled and to understand the reading from a 360 degree angle by experiencing it fully in my own life. The things kristina told me is like a 'northern star' which I still visit whenever I feel uncertain. It gives me hope and it gives me direction. I consider myself lucky to come across such a healer who is a beacon of light. I am not being nice in this review just for the sake of formality. These are the words that came from the bottom of my heart and I mean it. Thank you, Kristina!



Kristina is such a power soul! 

She has this gentle and fun way of teaching and tapping into your energy! 

It is so gentle yet so powerful! 

I have taken a few of her masterclasses and had her support me live and EVERY TIME it has been so on point, so uplifting and so empowering! 

I recently just went back and watched the replay of her masterclass Astro Transits and was like YEP this is STILL SO HELPFUL and packed full of great tips and tricks to support me! Even after watching it again, I gained more nuggets of wisdom!

Her teachings are timeless and divine! She is such a great mentor! 

I love too that she is always learning and evolving and loves to take her clients with her and share everything she learns! 

Not to mention she has the sweetest little girl that makes appearances on her lives! 

She is such a balance of love and life and shares so much! 

Grateful to have crossed paths! You have definitely brought more light into my life! 

Can’t wait to do Gene Keys with you!




I have participated in few of your programs and specially the Astro magic has been fun and magical. Your live readings are so spot on and also so spiritually connected to the exact moment in life we are experiencing through our astrology and planets. You are a master in this and with your clients 


It always feels so loving and safe space to be with you and in your readings. It has giving me so much help and support in your guidance to help me through those transitions I feel there has been a lot of those in 2023 preparing us for 2024. You have played a huge part in my transformations the last 3 years. I am forever grateful for your support, service and guidance always from the bottom of my heart. You have a huge giving heart for your clients. You are living, breathing and honoring everything you teach which is so beautiful to witness being part of your journey and path as well. Your wisdom is endless. Proud of you and thank you and I Love you to the moon and back!


1:1 Sesion

1:1 sessions

Kristina’s Empowered Intuitive Guidance took my breath away. I was crying within the first five minutes, not only because of her gentle, steady, safe presence, but because her words touched parts of my heart that so needed to be seen, held, and understood. Though I knew this session would be powerful, she offered me healing beyond my expectations, providing guidance by affirming truths that my soul had been hesitating to believe. In an extremely tumultuous and uncertain time of my life, her words have gifted me the permission, strength, and faith I didn’t know I needed and didn’t know was possible.  I’m still unsure what my future holds within these challenges, but I’m no longer afraid. I cannot recommend Kristina highly enough for help in finding your direction, learning to trust your inner knowing, and actually believing you are endlessly supported. Kristina, I cannot thank you enough for this session and the gift that you are.

- Savannah

I am so very pleased and profoundly moved by my session with Kristina today. I feel as though I have discovered a connectedness that I had all along, but really didn’t fully comprehend or appreciate. Kristina is clearly gifted, and her authenticity, transparency, and true joy were easily shining through in her session with me. It’s that warmth about her, the way she uses her gifts, that truly paves the way, the path that’s only for you because it comes from you, that shows where you must go forward. Thank you so very much, Kristina, you have changed my life.

- Susan

Thank you so much,  Kristina, for the free reading...  It resonated so much with me that I had to book a personal one-on-one session with you.  (And later also mentorship.)  It was so amazing that I cried for most of the day, I needed it…  Although I already knew some of the answers myself, it was something that I needed to hear from someone else too.  Thank you for being so gentle and calming...  Your presence was the light I needed.  Thank you.

- Kylie

All of this work is now about truly making a practice, daily, for the rest of my life, making change!!! All of this, and your beautiful work, is helping me to make a shift in consciousness. I always feel a feeling of grace when working with you. It is forgiving and open and always so positive. You have such an open heart! Your energy is so warm and enveloped!!

- Kath

My session with Kristina was one of the most graceful sessions I have ever had. She was very warm and friendly. Two hours before my session I was thinking about something in my mind and in the middle of my past life reading, she just asked me a question about the same issue. This shows how much the reading resonated with me. Kristina told me to pay attention to animal medicine and the next day I received animal guidance from the universe. The whole session resonated so much with me!

- Niketha


The bundle was life changing. I held so much grief that was not mine. It has changed my life. 23 years of worry and heart break...GONE!

-  Brenda

Kristina has become an Angel in my life, bringing it all back home for me. Her deep work with me caused me to instantly remember all I had forgotten. To remember the realms, my full worth and my part in the entire wholeness of it all. I had endured years of suffering from not owning my personal boundaries physically as well as ethereal.  Kristina went the speed I was ready for and I’ll always keep a place of gratitude inside my heart for what she has helped me overcome.

-  Amanda


Working with Kristina will change your life.  Period. 

I have never had so much growth in such a short period of time:   Learning to live from my heart instead of my head;  Understanding and changing old, in-grained, subconscious, familial patterns and choosing a new way, a new path to live my life; Being grounded in reality, yet feeling a massive expansiveness to start dreaming big and reaching my goals.  And not just having goals but truly believing and seeing the growth within me so that I am enjoying the process along the way. 

Her kindness, love, support and dedication are unmatched with anyone else I have worked with, and it provided a solid and safe foundation for me to walk my path and do my work. 

I cannot recommend anyone more highly if you want to change your life!

- John

Kristina has changed my life. I have participated in her mentorship program, workshops,  and the Soul Blossom program, and have spiritually grown more in the past few months than I have in my entire life.

I have healed decades of trauma- from the death of a parent at a young age, to a messy divorce coupled with going through cancer at 30 years old. This trauma healing was truly a transformation of my soul into pure light and peace. I have learned to fully trust myself and most importantly that absolutely anything is possible, including all of my wildest dreams! I KNOW they will come true.

She has taught me how to bypass my thinking, critical mind and go directly to my heart and soul and live from there. Her classes are all so powerful and have literally transported me to different realms.

I have unlocked my true power with Kristina and have fearlessly searched within myself to heal and become a powerful spiritual being. I am SO excited for my life because I know it is PURE magic. Kristina made that possible. I couldn’t be more grateful for her. My life is forever altered in the best way imaginable.

- Courtney

To my octopus teacher, it all started when I accidentally clicked on your live card pull and I stayed there. And I had my first reading. It was so apt and so spot on that I got more curious so I joined your FB group to have a free card pull every week. It became my Monday night ritual. Then we started talking and discussing the readings. You always gave your all in to guide me through my thick and thin. And my life started changing, I was growing spiritually and constantly, and I wasn't aware of it until people showed me.

After a few weeks, things suddenly took a turn in my family. Suddenly everything felt like it was crashing and I wasn't able to look through it. I was completely helpless and was in desperate need of guidance and the only thing that came to mind was to text you. And I did.

Then we discussed and came to an agreement. We started our mentorship sessions. Everything around me was still a mess. But our 1st session went sooo deep that I literally felt in control in the midst of all the chaos around me. The healing, the grounding were so powerful that my energy started changing the environment around me. Till the 2nd session, solutions were in place, things started aligning, and situations were improving. And then we started unfolding and rebuilding the beliefs around my life.

My career took a turn so weirdly that I never thought it would do. I stayed skeptical for a very long time because of my belief system. But the successful results made it difficult to hold on to those beliefs. By 3rd session, I was all in. My belief system changed. I was more into my heart than my head. I was more confident even in the unknown. It felt unreal. But it was real.
Between the 3rd and 4th sessions, my whole old core belief system crumbled completely. It was so overwhelming and so intense that I had to shut myself down for a while to process it. But you were there for it. And then the 4th session happened. All the information gave me a way to process it, gave me a new perspective to unfold layers and to understand the learnings.

I feel like a new me, but the real me. The one who was always there but was lost in all the chaos around him. You pulled me out of that maze, with so much care, with so much grace and patience and so much love. That whole process felt like a walk in a beautiful garden. But the inside one.

Whatever I am now, I am because of your teachings and because of your guidance. I am forever in debt. I've never had a mentor like you and I am really very grateful that you came into my life. And stayed. You are "my octopus teacher", thank You so much for everything! 

- Nikhil

I just finished a 4-week healing course with Kristina and wanted to thank her for everything.  I had a very tough upbringing and through most of my life, so her gentleness and calmness was what I needed.  Not only is she soft spoken and kind, but she is also genuine and caring.   I knew while searching that counseling wasn’t for me — I needed something with more depth.  Whenever I would get triggered or feel it coming, I use the tools that she showed me to ground myself;  I am also learning to forgive myself for my mistakes. I’ve let out cries during the sessions that I’ve been holding in for a long time, but they’re just what I needed. Voxer has also been great during this course...  It was nice and very helpful to be able to communicate whenever I needed advice
Kristina is a wonderful person and I love who she is so much...  

- Kylie



A couple of months ago a friend invited me to Kristina's Facebook group.  After watching a couple of her live card pull sessions I felt so connected to Kristina.  It was no coincidence that she had just announced the launch of her 8-week Soul Blossom container.  This came at a time in my life where I knew I needed to take a leap of faith and continue to invest in myself.  It was time to let go of lack mindset and welcome in abundance.  Kristina held a safe space for me to be vulnerable and raw - to look at the parts of me that are ready to be seen, loved, and transmuted. Working with her is a gift and oh so powerful.  She reminds you that you can have whatever you want in life and guides you to see the stories that are keeping you bound to your past.  Kristina is magical.  I am magical.  Soul Blossom reminds you that you are also magical!

- Stormi

Since I met Kristina in a free card reading last year I have completely changed the way I am relating to myself, especially in relation to other people. I used to take care of everybody BUT myself – now I am taking care of myself FIRST. I've gone from playing small to talking about how amazing I am! Working with boundaries and trust through energy management has had a tremendous effect on things I've been struggling with for years! I am still the same person that I was before joining Soul Blossom, but I am now thinking and behaving in ways that are much more beneficial for me. This has been a huge transformation! Kristina has helped me acknowledge and lift the strong intuition I already had and opened up a whole new world where I feel held, guided, and loved

- Jenny

I met Kristina through a card reading that she did for me in a group. And from that initial reading, I was really drawn to her energy. That reading resonated and was so accurate, that I’ve been in her container since then.


It took me a while to get into Soul Blossom. And the reason was that when I first became aware of it, the timing just did not feel right. There were a lot of things going on in my life and I just believe that when I eventually signed up for it, it was the right time. Things were not necessarily less busy, but it just felt right. And how I knew was even before Soul Blossom started, as soon as I made the commitment by paying for it, I had a dream that was really confirmative of the container is one of transformation.


I ended up going through the process and I have to say, I wasn't originally clear what I needed to focus on. I knew the general overview of what Soul Blossom would be about, but I wasn't clear where my own transformation would lie.


Through the incredibly powerful processes that Kristina teaches and takes you through, I was immediately clear from the first call. It's kind of like a thread on a sweater that once you pull that thread, everything else unravels. So for me, once I really honed in on that one area of my life, things started to fall into place for me. And the container was so powerful that even when we would go and do life during the week, in between calls, things would show up for me to actually face that area of my life head-on.


Now that I had discovered my area of focus, it wasn’t just smooth sailing. It’s a process! I had what you will call tests along the way that confirmed to me that this was important. But the best part was, I was lovingly held in the Soul Blossom container and reminded that I was capable of handling it. And when I showed up for the test not ready yet, there was a particular incident that happened while I was in the container that will serve as a lifelong reminder for me to always stay in the energy of this transformation in this area of my life. And so I'm really grateful for how powerful the whole process of Soul Blossom is.


One other thing that I was looking to master is the energy of manifestation. Which for me means being in that place where there's ease and flow, and then things just manifest. And one of the things that happened, for me, through the process of Soul Blossom was being able to remove the things that were in the way of making that ease and flow happen. So, a lot of times, we want that snap your finger type manifestation, but we have certain things in the way of that. So, the whole process first allowed me to identify what those blocks were. And I was lovingly cared for a while, working through those blocks. And then, the next step was to, now, focus on the energy of manifestation and master that.


The people that Kristina attracts are also amazing, good, loving, and kind people. So the container felt very safe. Safe enough for me to be vulnerable and vulnerability is not necessarily my strongest suit, so her container and the people that she attracts, and the energy that she brings, allowed me to just be freely vulnerable. And in being vulnerable, I saw the most profound transformation in my life.


Lastly, I truly loved all of the rituals and meditations. Everything was well thought out and very supportive in all of our individual journeys.


So if you are thinking about Soul Blossom, definitely do itIt will change your life.

- Cynthia

SOUL consciousness workshop

I am so incredibly grateful for Kristina! I have worked with Kristina for a couple years now in her groups as well as 1:1; and I just love being in her energy and absorbing her knowledge!! 

This weekend I attended one of the best of Kristina's workshops to date; Soul Consciousness Course.  Friday night began with an amazing meditation that had me in tears. It was so beautiful!  Saturday's class continued with so much knowledge that left me reeling with' Yes yes yes that's what I need to do'!!  Then Sunday's meditation was a game changer!  The meditation showed me what I wanted, and before I had no idea that this is what I wanted, and yet every part of it resonated ...every cell in my body reacted, knowing ..a deep knowing that this was SO right.  The energy was so intense as we sat there, my hands started to do Qi gong & I was literally in two different worlds simultaneously.

It was so magical. 
All that to be said; Kristina has changed my life by quantum leaps and bounds and if you dare to step within her Magic I have no doubt she will do the same for you!!


My life has not only changed infinity as a result of working with Kristina, but has moved at warp speed : So, of course, when the opportunity to be a part of her Soul Consciousness workshop presented itself, I jumped at the opportunity!
This woman is MAGIC in human form. Her love, dedication, knowledge, understanding, healing, and ability to push you deep to the core wounds/shadow to heal is unmatched.
Then, with the Soul Consciousness workshop, she goes even deeper!!! Her guidance, tips, practical action, meditations, and more, facilitates your ability to release whatever pesky limiting beliefs the subconscious mind is still clinging to so you can integrate your new story and allow all your wildest dreams to become reality. I am still flying high from the final meditation and the expansiveness of this new story I'm stepping into.

If you want to live a soul lead life beyond your wildest comprehension, run, don't walk,

-you will not be disappointed!

Soul Blossom
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