1:1 Mentorship Packages Available on Special (5 sessions $777)
(Group program already started)
Are you ready to step fully into your feminine power of attracting a life beyond your dreams, deeply embodied self-worth, with the cosmic relationships of a soul tribe and partner?
As women in this society, we have been rewarded for our masculine ways.
The pushing, action, problem solving with our mind.
It leaves us exhausted and confused,
with relationships that doesn't reflect our worth,
and regardless of how much we do, it doesn't seem enough
to get us where we want to BE;
-living our dream life!
So much so that we have forgotten our innate wisdom and power when we come into balance with our feminine ways of:
trusting our intuition,
embodying our worth,
attracting by BEING,
experience more flow and magic,
and measuring our worth by BEING.
Because that was me too.
Until I started getting hit in the face to WAKE UP TO MY POWER AND WORTH in my femininity!
I want you to imagine what this would feel like to embody:
The deep KNOWING of your intuition that is always leading you right, regardless of if the mind freaks out.
The SELF WORTH that comes with filling your cup before giving to others to the point of exhaustion.
The PEACE within, in the unity of mind and heart, of inner yin and yang.
The deep SOUL CONNECTIONS of friends and partner(s), and their recognition of value within yourself and within themselves.
UNCONDITIONAL LOVE in the oneness of your own Divine portal, and with others.
The SURRENDER to your own Divine grace to live in much more ease and magic flow.
The EMBODIED WISDOM from your deep feminine power!
will bring you there:
LOVE of your innate Feminine self!
What people are saying:
"Kristina reminded us that it's all about love. To put down the to-do list, the money worries, others' expectations of us, and just focus on inner love." -Rachel
"I've been hard on myself my whole life and it has gotten me nowhere. I'm finally letting go of that, thanks to YOU!"
"That was pure magic! My faith has grown and your mentorship is quantum leap healing, love and manifestation! It's absolutely amazing how you use your tools and how much you have positively impacted my journey! In miraculous ways!-Courtney
"Kristina, I cannot thank you enough for all you have done for me! You helped me to start listening to my intuition, and you gave me the tools and support to trust it. That is the single and most powerful I have every received from anyone! Wonder and awe has come roaring back into my life and I feel so more expansive and excited about life!" -anonymous
"I don't know if I can properly convey in words just how powerful and transforming working with Kristina has been! To see that I am whole within and possess everything I need to live my life beyond my wildest dreams. To break through any and all limitations to stand in my power. To live from my heart instead of my mind. Kristina has remarkable abilities to ignite and failitate healing in others, and she does all of this so beautifully because she embodies it within herself!" -Rebecca
"I'm feeling very grateful for this space Kristina! It's been an odd time for me where I'm feeling disconnected and displaced, and our meetings and meditations are helping me recenter and see how the threads weave together!" -Megan
"Thank you so much for the session! It was the most intense inner child healing I have done and I appreciate you holding space for me while taking me through it." -Tiffiny

you will be guided in:
*Unifying your inner feminine and masculine by healing generational and societal feminine wounds, for healing, peace within, relationship healing, including abandonment wounds healing.
*Deepen your intuition and connecting to your wise Divine origin, deeper than ever before.
*Embody the shaman within you and do deeply self-empowering rituals.
*Learn how to attract and receive with ease, grace and self worth.
*Embody self-love for body, mind and soul, -and quieting the self-sabotaging thoughts.
*Set yourself up for successful soul connection relationships!
in magic Divine flow!
We will use tools like meditations, rituals, inner child healing, kundalini, your personal Gene Key chart and astrology transits, to make your transformation personal and profound!​